About Us

Patty Lovett

Middle School Science Teacher
Q: Where did you attend college?
A: Undergraduate - Journalism/Advertising from the University of Georgia, M.A. in Teaching from Olgelthorpe

What year did you join MBCA? 
A: 2001, and then again in 2014

What do you love about MBCA? 
A: The family feel of MBCA. 

What is your all-time favorite sports team? 
A: Any team that my children are playing on is my favorite.

What is your favorite Bible verse, and why? 
A: Philippians 4:6 - I need to be reminded of this often because I tend to worry easily.

What are three fun facts about yourself?
A: I was married at Mt. Bethel.
I was raised in 30068.

What is your favorite book? 
A: My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George.