Student Life


The MBCA Clinic is under the leadership of Ms. Christine Laird, BSN, RN. Ms. Laird and her team of Registered Nurses provide exceptional care to the students, faculty, and staff needing treatment for allergies, asthma, illness, injury, and administration of daily medications. Please read below for more information on medication and immunization records. SchoolDoc is the web-based program MBCA uses for student health records, authorization forms, and treatment documentation. Your child may not attend school if your SchoolDoc account is not 100% complete. If you have any questions, please contact the Clinic. 

List of 10 items.

  • SchoolDoc

  • Clinic Forms

  • Allergies

    Please inform the school Nurse (Lower & Middle Schools Campus) or Receptionist (Upper School Campus) if your child has allergies, and include the information on the Medical and Emergency Card. Please provide an Epi-pen if the condition warrants this precaution. Make sure your child has an Allergy Action Plan and a Medication Administration Form uploaded to SchoolDoc as well.
  • Asthma

    Please inform the school Nurse (Lower & Middle Schools Campus) or Receptionist (Upper School Campus) if your child has asthma. Please upload an Asthma Action Plan as well as a Medication Administration Form to SchoolDoc. Please provide a rescue inhaler to be kept in the Clinic if needed. 
  • Contagious Disease

    In the case of contagious disease, a student should be kept at home until all signs of the disease are gone or a note of re-admittance is issued from the student’s physician. The school Nurse reserves the right to send students home when it is determined that the health of other students may be compromised. Please contact the school Nurse if a student has a communicable disease (viral or bacterial) so parents of that class have the opportunity to look for symptoms in their own children.

    MBCA policies to determine when students should remain at home:
    • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye):  Student may return when cleared by a physician and after 24 hours of treatment, if bacterial.
    • Croup:  Student may return when breathing comfortably, cough is improved, and fever-free for 24 hours.
    • Fever:  If 100 degrees or higher, student should be kept at home. Student must be fever-free, without taking fever reducing medications (Tylenol, acetaminophen, Motrin/Advil, ibuprofen) for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
    • Gastroenteritis/Diarrhea:  If a student has multiple loose stools, which are not caused by medication or diet, the child should be kept at home for 24 hours since the last episode of diarrhea.
    • Impetigo:  Student must be seen and treated by a physician. They may return after 24 hours of topical or oral antibiotics.
    • Influenza:  Student may return 24 hours after being fever and symptom-free without the use of any symptom-reducing medications. Student must feel well enough to attend school and participate in class.
    • Ringworm:  Student should be evaluated by a physician, and may return to school after starting treatment. Please keep affected area covered by a bandage, if possible, while at school. 
    • Vomiting:  If a student vomits at school, unless for medication or dietary reasons, they will be sent home and must not return until he or she has not vomited for a minimum of 24 hours.
  • Covid-19 Viewbook 2022-2023

  • Head Lice

    The problem of head lice/nits is a common occurrence in schools, and can be difficult to control at home and at school. Even though lice are not a threat to health, they are a frustrating nuisance and are easily spread to others. The following policy has been implemented to control head lice/nit infestation:
    • Parents should notify the school Nurse immediately if their child has head lice, so MBCA can take the necessary precautions, and make the other parents in the classroom aware.
    • In order to prevent outbreaks in the school setting, any student suspected of having live lice or nits will be sent home. The student should be treated for head lice before returning to school. If you need treatment options, please contact the clinic for information.
    • A letter will be sent home to every parent in the class (Lower School) or grade level (Middle and Upper Schools) informing them of a case of lice in the class and asking for help in preventing the spread of lice.
    • After being treated for head lice, students must report to the clinic when they return to school to ensure the head lice/nits are have been removed. If treated professionally, a letter or note should be provided to the clinic. 
    • If three or more cases are found in one class, the clinic will check every child in the classroom and any other classes with whom they have interacted.
    • As partners in your child’s education, MBCA will do everything in its power to prohibit the spread of lice, but we realize that eradicating lice ultimately is a parent’s responsibility. When a parent works hard to rid their child of a lice infestation, they are actually helping safeguard everyone in the school.
  • Immunization Records

    Current immunization records must be on file in the office prior to the first day of school, as required by state law. Students without a current immunization record, medical waiver, or Georgia Form 2208 for Religious Exemptions will not be able to attend school.
  • Injuries

    First aid treatment will be rendered for minor injuries. If an emergency medical situation arises, parents will be notified and medical treatment for the student will be sought at the nearest hospital.
  • Medication

    If your child will be taking medication at school, Medication Authorization Forms must be on file for each over-the-counter and prescription medication. These forms are SchoolDoc. Medication to be kept in the clinic must be in the original container with legible labels intact (e.g., pharmacy labels on prescription drugs, brand and dosing label on OTC medication). Labels must include the student's name, prescribing physician, medication name and dosage, and expiration date. The clinic will not administer expired medication to your child. All medication must be given directly to the clinic; please do not give medications to the classroom teacher.  

    Students are not permitted to have medication in their possession on either campus.  Students who need to take medication during the course of the school day must keep the medication in the Clinic (with the Receptionist at the Upper School Campus) and come to the Clinic/Receptionist for administration. Medication must be signed in by the school Nurse. In certain cases, the school Nurse may allow students to carry emergency items after demonstration of proper use, physician and parent consent.