List Detail

Lee Mallon

Director of Admissions
Where did you attend college?
A: B.A. from the University of West Georgia 

What year did you join MBCA? 
A: 2007

What do you love about MBCA? 
A: The warm family-like Christian environment where God is talked about, felt, and seen in all we do. 

What is your all-time favorite sports team? 
A: The teams my sons played on together. 

What is your favorite Bible verse, and why? 
A: Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It is such a good reminder that our lives are planned by God; He will only do right by us and it gives me hope for a prosperous future. 

What are three fun facts about yourself?
A: I love live music! 
I am the proud mom of two MBCA alumni - Garrett and Evan Mallon. 
I am a descendant of the late U.S. House of Representative member and U.S. Senator, William M. Calder. 

What is your favorite book? 
A: Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.