List Detail

Bobbie Miller

Pathways Phonics/Spelling
Q: Where did you attend college?
A: B.S.Ed. in Early Childhood Education from the University of Georgia, M.S. in Early Childhood Education from Georgia State University

What year did you join MBCA? 
A: 2019

What do you love about MBCA? 
A: The friends I have made while teaching here and the students I teach.

What is your all-time favorite sports team? 
A: Georgia Bulldogs

What is your favorite Bible verse, and why? 
A: Numbers 6:24-26 - It is a reminder that God is always with me. 

What are three fun facts about yourself?
A: I like to bake. I love to be with my family. I am a trained teacher master gardener, but still have much to learn. 

What is your favorite book? 
A: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee